
Where's Midu?

Cloudinary Halloween Hackathon game


Where’s Midu

Where’s Midu is a Halloween-theme page inspired in ‘Where’s Waldo’ that uses cloud technology from Cloudinary to enhance the resolution of images generated by AI.

Where’s Midu website


[!NOTE] This project is a Hackathon project (Spooky AI Hackathon) from Cloudinary and Midudev.

[!IMPORTANT] The game images are generated by AI, so their results in facial expressions are limited.

👨🏻‍💻 Technologies

📦 Local installation

  1. Clone the repository
git clone
  1. Install dependencies
npm install
  1. Create a .env file in the root directory and add your Cloudinary account name
  1. Configure your Cloudinary account with an Upload Preset named wheres-midu and set it as Unsigned.

  2. Run the development server 🌠

npm run dev

☕ Buy me a coffee

"Buy Me A Coffee"