
Spring Initializr CLI

Spring Initializr CLI, extremely fast start-up


Spring Initializr CLI ♨️

powered by ⚙ Rust

Spring Initializr CLI is a command-line tool built in Rust that allows developers to quickly and easily create new Spring Boot projects directly from the terminal. This tool is connected to the Spring Initializr API and enables you to generate a Spring Boot project with all the initial configurations you need without having to interact with the Spring Initializr web interface.


reqwest, dialoguer, colored, serde, termion

🏁 Features

▶️ Demo


💻 Install on your PC! (Linux)

  1. [!IMPORTANT] Before using this CLI app, you need to install Spring Boot CLI. See the ‘Install Spring Boot CLI’ section.


  1. Download the file from ‘targets/linux/spring-initializr-cli’: spring-initializr-cli


  1. [!TIP] I recommend to create an alias for execute the programm. See the ‘Create an alias’ section.


  1. Ubicate the download file wherever you want (according to alias)


  1. RUN!


‒ Install Spring Boot CLI

You can install Spring Boot CLI easily using SDKMan

‒ Create an alias

  1. Open: sudo nano ~/.bashrc
  2. Add this example line: alias spring-cli='~/Documents/spring-initializr-cli'

⬇️ Locally project installation

To install Spring Initializr CLI, make sure you have Rust and Spring Boot CLI installed on your system. Then, you can clone this repository and build the project:

git clone

cd spring-initializr-cli

cargo build --release

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