
How to create an alias in Linux

Using an alias in Linux to create a custom command or sequence of commands.



In Linux, an alias is a shortcut for a command or a sequence of commands. It allows users to create custom, easy-to-remember names for frequently used or complex commands, making workflows more efficient and reducing typing errors.

Create Your First Alias!

  1. Open the terminal and type the following command:
sudo nano ~/.bashrc
  1. Create a heading introducing your custom alias following the example below:
# Custom aliases
alias aliasedit='sudo nano ~/.bashrc'

This above alias will allow you to edit your .bashrc file.

  1. Save and exit the file by pressing Ctrl + X, then Y, and then Enter.

  2. To use your alias, simply type the name of the alias followed by the Enter key.


Aliases That I Use Daily

· To Home Directory

alias home='cd $HOME'

· To the Desktop

alias desktop='cd ~/Desktop'

· To Install Packages

alias inst='sudo apt install'

· To Perform a Soft Reset of the Last Commit

alias gitsoft='git reset --soft HEAD~1'

· To Perform a Hard Reset of the Last Commit

alias githard='git reset --hard HEAD~1'