
PackagePhobia CLI

Revisa paquets de NPM des de la terminal


📟 PackagePhobia CLI 📟

PackagePhobia CLI is a command-line tool that lets you effortlessly check the install size, dependencies, and other crucial details of your favorite packages

NodeJS NPM%20link Size

[!WARNING] This package is not official. It is a personal project, so it may not be updated or maintained.


Packages used: 🔮 Commander 〰️ 🎨 Picocolors 〰️ 🏯 CliTable3 〰️ ✨ @Clack/Prompts

🌎 Global Installation (using NPM)

[!TIP] npm i -g pkg-phobia-cli

⏬ Local Installation

git clone the repository
cd pkg-phobia-cliEnter to the project
npm i -g .Install globally on your computer pkg-phobia-cli
PRODUCTION = falseFor testing the app, you can change the value of the variable PRODUCTION to false
pp satoriNow you can test the program

📟 Command List (ej: satori)

pp satoriGet the package installation size
pp satori -aComplete information of the latest version
pp satori -vReturn the last version, his size and date
pp satori -v --tableTable of versions, his size and date
pp satori -v --jsonxxxxxx DEVELOPING xxxxxx
pp satori -v --csvxxxxxx DEVELOPING xxxxxx
pp satori -v --allAll the versions of the package
pp satori 1.0.0Return all the information of that version
pp get-configGet the Packagephobia CLI configuration
pp set-configSet your own customization Packagephobia CLI package 😃✌️

🤝 Contribute

[!IMPORTANT] This project is still in development, so please, if you want to contribute, you can do it in the issues section.


📡 API’s used

📦PackagePhobia API
🏪NPM Registry API

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"Buy Me A Coffee"
